9 Ways to Find the Energy You Need – Part 7

How do you breathe?
I know that that may sound silly, but it is a legitimate question because many people do not breathe well. Their breathing is shallow which can make us tired.
If you have children (or know some), think about how loud they were when they were little. They could (even as a baby) sound like a siren. But as they grow older, their level of loudness seems to diminish.
Did you ever notice their stomachs as they began to bellow? They would breathe deeply, and their stomachs would expand. They were using their diaphragm to breathe and yell, and it made a difference.
A voice coach once pointed that out to me. Strong singing begins with the diaphragm as you breathe and expel air.
This is the kind of breathing we need on a regular basis. So try it for yourself. Breathe in while expanding your stomach instead of your chest, and exhale by allowing the stomach to push the air out. If you did it, you are breathing with your diaphragm, and you are bringing in much more oxygen than normal.
Of course, some simple aerobic exercises can also cause you to breathe more deeply.
If you can increase the oxygen entering your body, you will find yourself more awake and more energized.
As we look at these ways to find the energy we need, consider getting a copy of Strength for the Weary. It can give greater insight. Just click the picture below to get your copy…