Our recent posts have been dealing with your brain. Forgetting dates and forgetting items frustrates us, but there are ways to boost your brain power.
Usually we are going through life at full-speed, And the information and stimuli is overwhelming. That is why we have to get ahead of it and protect our brains. Consider the following 4 ways to boost your brain.
#1 Eat brain-friendly food. Because of the pace of life, we are tempted to grab something to eat that is full of sugar or is heavily processed. Instead, eat for your brain. The Mediterranean Diet has shown to protect and improve brain function as your age. It contains healthy fats and antioxidants that help you.
#2 Learn a language. Puzzles can help your brain, but learning a language helps in other ways. Learning a new language builds new neural pathways, improves brain elasticity, and helps you deal with new information quicker. Some believe that it also helps you slow down the loss of brain function as you age.
#3 Learn to play an instrument. Learning to play an instruments benefits you like learning a language does. It also benefits your ability to hear and listen. And it taps into a portion of your brain that does not always get used – improving overall brain function.
#4 Exercise. Though physical exertion is good for you, I am talking about exercising your mind to remember things. Try remembering a list. The more you practice, the more you will be able to remember.
We don’t always think about things like these, but the benefits can be massive. Learning helps your brain. Fueling your brain properly helps your brain. You can boost your brain.
Consider the following resource for more ideas on this (by clicking the picture)…