What Does “Being Healthy” Really Mean?

Most people think that health means that you are not sick, so those who are ill are considered to be in poor health. In other words, many believe that health is an absence of physical sickness.

But there is another view – a more comprehensive view held by groups on the national and international scene that suggests that true health is not only physical wellbeing – but also includes mental, spiritual, social, and intellectual wellbeing.

There is a lot of emphasis on maintaining physical health, but most people do not spend much time on the other areas of wellbeing. I suggest that if we are going to measure how healthy we are, we have to consider how we are doing as a whole – not just how our physical body is doing.

Being healthy means taking time to identify the areas of our lives that are sometimes neglected and finding ways to take care of them. If we do not do that, it will adversely affect our physical health. Think about it: many people who may be considered in poor health are carrying too much stress, too many regrets, too much financial pressure, to many spiritual questions, and on and on. And those things end up causing the physical health problems that are more obvious.

Often, we care for others’ needs over our own needs. I believe that we DO need to look out for others, but self-care is not always selfish if it enables you to be holistically healthy. Choosing to exercise may seem to be caring for your physical body, but if it is something that you want and like to do, it will give you health benefits mentally and socially as well. If you enjoy studying in the area of personal development but don’t make the time to do it, you aren’t caring for your intellectual health.

Giving ourselves permission to take care of our whole person is the first step to enjoying true health. And it is not only important for you personally; it helps you in your role as a spouse, parent, friend, and work colleague. It affects your productivity and your ability to enjoy life. It enables you to take advantage of the opportunities that life offers.

Adopting a holistic attitude for your life helps you begin to understand what true health really means. So – I urge you to think bigger. I encourage you to return to this site to discover more ideas and offers that can help you holistically. You might want to start my looking at some of the things we offer by clicking here. We just want to help you “be healthy!”