Information to help you on your Total Health Journey

  • How Hormones Are Linked to Happiness

    Throughout my life, the subject of hormones has often been raised.  However, it usually seems to be about negative things – like an uncontrollable sex drive or an uncontrollable anger.  Hormones impact much more than that.  They also impact our happiness. As I have looked into the issue of happiness, I found interesting ties to…


  • Where Can I Find Out about Happiness?

    Clearly, happiness is hard to come by. There are self-help books galore that people scoop up to try to figure it out. But I want to suggest a book that is widely known and often loved. Often, when people think about the Bible, they consider it to be a restrictive book. However, that is only…


  • Can I Really Be Happy?

    I do not know many people who do not want to be happy. But can we really be happy? Dealing with a shaky economy, listening to and reading terrible news, putting up with certain people, facing trials, and so many other things cause us to question whether or not we can be happy. Well, we…


  • Why You Should Write Down Your Goals

    As stated in previous posts, goals are important. Writing those goals down is also very important. Writing down your goals is not just because you might forget them. The process has very important results. My hope is that after reading this, you will begin writing down your own goals – business, personal, relational, spiritual, whatever……


  • Set Your Business Goals Backwards

    Few people would deny that setting goals is important, and that it true in all areas of life. In business – in finances – it is important to know where you want to go. I remember a business professor giving us some good advice… to make your goals backwards. Over the years, I have found…


  • How to Make More Money Online

    If you are trying to make money online (or know that you need to), you need to increase traffic, subscribers, and customers. You need customers to make the money. You need subscribers (to your emails) to have the right leads. You need traffic to your website to have contacts. The first thing is traffic. You…


  • Know Where You Are to Know What to Do

    If I want to travel to a distant city, I have to know where I am to be able to plot my course. Makes sense, right? The same is true with your business (and pretty much anything else). If you know from where you are starting, you can be efficient with your time and money.…


  • Success in Business by Business Planning

    If you have a business, do you set aside regular time to plan what you want to do? Setting aside time to plan out what you want to d and what growth you want to achieve is crucial to success. If you aren’t planning to succeed, you are planning to fail. And this post will…


  • How to Become a Reader

    Most people realize that reading is important, but many simply do not read even though is it a great way to relax and learn. Reading enables you to learn new skills, ideas, and viewpoints. It is something that we all should be doing. What many do not realize is that reading itself is a skill.…


  • 6 Results from Lifelong Learning

    When we are kids, we go to school and learn. When we graduate, many put the books aside thinking that learning is now something for the past. That, my friends, is not a good idea. Learning throughout your life will benefit you in more ways than we can address in an article. However, I want…