9 Ways to Find the Energy You Need – Part 8
It is obvious that when you do not get enough sleep, you are sluggish and sleepy the next day. The bedroom should be like an oasis for sleep, but it is not for many people. Rather, we allow the bedroom to become an office, reading nook, social media room, and more. Sometimes we eat there. Sometimes we get on the phone there. Sometimes we watch television. And often we do not get enough sleep.
Consider the following ideas to make sure you keep your bedroom sanctioned off for what you need it for.
First – Try decluttering. Many times we allow our bedrooms to become a hiding spot for stuff that we don’t want guests to see, or we just drop our clothes and other things on a chair or the floor instead of putting them up. However, clutter is distracting, and in the back of your mind you know that it needs to be cleaned up. That is why we should do it. Get rid of what you do not need or use; put things in their place. You will be pleasantly surprised by how it makes you feel.
Second – Try raising the humidity. That was hard for me (a Southerner) to type, but it is true. Air in the winter is often dry, and air conditioners do a good job of pulling moisture out as well. However, dry air can affect your sleep. You may want to try a cold air humidifier, but be sure to check which humidity rate is best for your sinuses without causing mold to blossom.
Third – Try lowering the temperature. Though a lower temperature cools your down and enables good sleep, you may fear getting cold. You can remedy that with warm sleeping attire and covers. You will still be breathing cooler air – which helps.
Fourth – Try a better mattress. In purchasing home items, mattresses often are an afterthought. Unfortunately, that is a mistake; mattresses are important. You need to get one that gives you proper support to rest your body – not too soft and not too hard.
Fifth – Try good sheets. Many people just grab generic sheets because they are cheaper, but cotton sheets with a higher thread count make you much more comfortable. You really only need two sets of sheets (one in use and one in the wash).
Sixth – Try a good pillow. Your head needs proper support to help your spine line up restfully. We spend so much time looking down with our heads lowered that we need to make sure that at least during sleep our heads are at the right angle.
Seventh – Try layering. If you lower the temperature, you probably will want to still keep your body warm. If you use a heavy cover (sheet, blanket, or quilt), you probably will throw it off in the night – leading to being cold. Try a few layers of lighter covers, so you can take off what you need to as you need to.
Eighth – Try banning electronics. Most electronics radiate a light that does not support restfulness. Also, we tend to stay up later than we should when we use them. Therefore, try keeping the temptation away, so you can sleep better.
Good sleep will help you feel more energized during the day, so try these tips to make the most of it.
As we look at these ways to find the energy we need, consider getting a copy of Strength for the Weary. It can give greater insight. Just click the picture below to get your copy…