Expressing love in marriage

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Series: The Language of Love (Part 5)

In The Five Love Languages, Gary Chapman focuses on five ways that people show love and desire to receive love.

One form of expressing love is to spend quality time with the other person.  Some people believe that doing things with the one they love is the best way to show love.  If that is true for your spouse, then give them your undivided attention.

Another form of expressing love is giving gifts.  A gift could be a simple thing that does not cost much but is sentimental (and let them know why it is sentimental).  The thought behind this language is that the person was thinking about them even when they were not with them.

Another form of expressing love is to serve the other person.  If the other person has to do something, help them.  Take some things off their plate to show them that you love them.

Another form of expressing love is physical touch.  A simple touch is often enough to show the other person that they are loved.

The fifth form of expressing love is words of affirmation.  Talk to them.  Verbally express your love for them.  Tell them how much they mean to you.

You prefer one of those methods above the others, and your spouse does too.  Discover your spouse’s Love Language and speak it.

Often, we get trapped within ourselves.  We come home and only want to talk about the day we had.  We want our wants fulfilled.  However, that is not how you express love.  Let your spouse know that you love them by focusing on them.  Build your marriage by building up each other (and speaking their Love Language).

To go deeper into this, click the picture below and purchase Chapman’s book…