Having Trouble with Your Temper?

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Emotions are natural and can be good. However, they can lead to trouble if you do not know how to express them. Being angry on a consistent basis can be harmful to your health. It can lead to unhealthy stress. It can lead to tension, depression, and more. And that can affect you physically in many ways. If you do not learn to deal with the anger, it can lead to severe consequences (relational issues, hospital visits, possibly death).

We all know that you do not want to spend time with an angry person. They come across as not caring whether they are liked or not, but there is more to it. Something is happening that prevents them from happiness even though they may may excuses for why they act the way they do. Without dealing with their root issue(s), they will never experience peace and happiness, and they will drive others away from them.

Anger management specialists or counselors can help others deal with their root issues, so they can get back to a rewarding life. An angry person simply is not a happy person. And if you fall into this situation, please realize that the issue must be dealt with. The longer you allow it to fester, the harder it will be to change it.

Usually, family overlooks or ignores the anger of a family member, but a wall still exists. Imagine how enjoyable relationships could be if there was little to no hostility in the mix. Imagine how happy your family would be if you dealt with your anger.

In addition to getting an outside perspective, fill your mind and heart with things that are good. Discover, grow, or ignite your faith. Realize what God desires of you and for you.

Anger is not completely bad. It has a place. It is natural (to some degree). But if you seem to be angry a lot (more than the time that you are happy), you need to be honest with yourself. Don’t think that others would speak up if it was a problem; many times they hope it will be resolved if they ignore it. YOU must step up and step out.

We do not want anger to have the better of you. We want you to thrive.

Check out the following resource for more ideas on dealing with anger or helping others deal with it. Just click the picture to find out more…