How Hormones Are Linked to Happiness

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Throughout my life, the subject of hormones has often been raised.  However, it usually seems to be about negative things – like an uncontrollable sex drive or an uncontrollable anger.  Hormones impact much more than that.  They also impact our happiness.

As I have looked into the issue of happiness, I found interesting ties to our hormones.  I hope it can help you (or those in your life).

Hormones are like postal workers.  They carry (chemical) messages that control many of a body’s processes.  The endocrine glands create the messages, and we need everything to work properly so that we can function.

The things we put into our bodies and how we treat our bodies impact how well our hormones do their job.  We must pay close attention to what we do in our bodies.

The primary hormones that play a role in your happiness are serotonin, oxytocin, and dopamine.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter taking messages throughout the brain.  It is crucial for battling depression and other mental issues.  We need an adequate level of this hormone and minimal interference for it to do its job.

Oxytocin is important in relationships.  It helps our social skills.  It also helps us deal with fear.

Dopamine also is a neurotransmitter.  It is activated when we experience unexpected things or have positive experiences.

If your body is out of balance, hormones cannot function optimally.  That can lead to health problems, and that can affect your happiness.

To achieve and maintain a good balance, several factors must be considered.  We need sufficient sleep.  We need regular exercise.  We need to eliminate toxins and stress.  We must realize that birth control pills affects the body in different ways.  And we must ensure we are eating properly (which I’ll deal with in the next blog post).  Keep a balanced body, and you will aid your mental wellness – including your happiness.

To get a firm grasp on true happiness, grab a copy of Billy Graham’s book, The Secret of Happiness.  Click the picture below to get yours, and you will be blessed…