Know Where You Are to Know What to Do

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If I want to travel to a distant city, I have to know where I am to be able to plot my course. Makes sense, right?

The same is true with your business (and pretty much anything else). If you know from where you are starting, you can be efficient with your time and money. You can see what has been working and what hasn’t.

This means that you must be recording your data, so you can know where you stand. You can keep a record in a notebook, in a spreadsheet, or in a Word document. (Using a spreadsheet enables you to calculate information automatically once set up).

Record your traffic. The more people you reach, the more sales you can make. Keeping a record enables you to know how many people are coming to your website or business, and it can help you see how well you are converting visitors into buyers.

Record the people. You need to know who is making a connection with you and how they are connecting. Keeping a list (especially as an email list) will enable you to make contact with them at different times and keep your business in their minds. Knowing which people are customers and what they are like can help you tailor marketing to them for possible future sales.

Record your expense and income. It is important to know what your bottom line is. You can discover how well you are bringing in money, and you can discover where you are spending it. Not knowing these things will leave you blind.

Data is very important. Try to collect and keep as much data as possible, so you can determine how your business is doing. Keep it updated, and you will be glad that you did.

Consider the following book to help you understand more about the data you need and what to do with it…