9 Ways to Find the Energy You Need – Part 2
In many ways phones, computers, and televisions have benefited us. However, our electronics also have led to less sleep as we mindlessly watch or scroll instead of sleeping – or we simply can’t go to sleep.
This drains our energy for the coming day. We mess up the rhythm that our bodies and minds need to be functional and energized.
Have you heard of the circadian rhythm? Our bodies need a certain amount of rest based on the natural flow of a day, but when we stay up late (including because of our electronic usage), we mess that rhythm up. Some seem to be more susceptible to messing up the rhythm than others, but constant stimulation affects all of us.
You may have noticed that throughout a typical day, you are more energized than at other times; it’s part of the cycle. Get to know your cycle, so you can protect your energy level and set aside important tasks for those times when you have more energy.
Even though it may sound radical, try turning off your electronics an hour or two before you need to go to sleep. Television shows can be recorded. Movies can be streamed at other times. Social media will still be available at another time. Your sleep is more important than those things because it affects your energy level and your physical health.
Spending less time mindlessly scrolling and watching also benefits your relationships and provides you more time to do the things that you know you ought to do.
Try this for a couple of weeks to see if this doesn’t help. You will be more rested and more productive.
As we look at these ways to find the energy we need, consider getting a copy of Strength for the Weary. It can give greater insight. Just click the picture below to get your copy…