9 Ways to Find the Energy You Need – Part 6
Do you remember when your mom told you to sit up straight? She may have ben onto something.
Good posture actually can boost your energy. Think about it. When you are feeling down or depressed, what is your posture like? It is probably not very good – slumped shoulders – head down – droopy.
Try training yourself to have better posture. Sitting up straight or standing tall helps you breathe easier which increases your oxygen levels and boosts your mood. It is sort of like smiling; when you smile while you talk, it is harder to be mad or depressed.
Standing tall helps you feel confident and more energetic. It somehow causes your blood to flow better which moves the oxygen better. And that affects your brain. And that affects your energy.
If you find it hard to remember to have good posture, try some things to remind yourself. Set an alarm (on your phone or computer) to remind you to think about it and to make sure you have proper posture. A note put in a strategic place also can provide the reminder you need.
Also, consider putting the phone down more often. You will find yourself looking around instead of down; you will keep your head up. It is amazing how little things like that can make an impact.
Think about your posture when you are lounging or watching tv. Every little thing you do to remedy your posture can make a difference.
If you find that this helps, be sure to thank your mom for planting the thought in your head.
As we look at these ways to find the energy we need, consider getting a copy of Strength for the Weary. It can give greater insight. Just click the picture below to get your copy…